Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Hidden Valentine's Day Suprise

I must take the time to brag on my husband. I was so suprised this year on Valentine's Day when Brad gave me a beautiful dozen red roses. Especially since we never spend money on things like flowers not to mention that Brad hates Valentine's Day so we usually don't even acknowledge the day at all. I guess that's what made them so special to me. Because they were totally unexpected to me as ironic as it seems, especially on Valentine's Day. It seems so small but do you ever stop and wonder how perfect God's plan seems to work out. Though sometimes you may not always understand why things are the way that they are. The longer Brad and I are together the better things become, the closer we get, the more we seem to understand one another and I guess that is the point in a marriage but God has helped us to develope this new appreciation for each other and we have come to realize that our differences are the stronghold that bonds us together. That our differences become ones strength to hold up the others weaknesses. We have been studying marriage enrichment at a class at church and one of our most recent discussions delt with the world's 50/50 plan where we both do our part and meet in the middle to get everything done although no one can ever seem to agree on exactly where the middle is versus God's plan for marriage from Ephesians 5. And God's plan of 100% from both parties all the time. I think all my married friends no matter how wonderful their marriage is should take the time to read Ephesians 5 with their spouse. Marriage truely is, can be and should be a wonderful blessing from God. And it seemed only fitting to praise such with my wonderful Valentine's Day suprise. Simply put and I try to remember this each day... that to live your marriage as God designed it to be you should do all that you can each day to lighten the load your spouse carries each day. No matter how trivial or how minute those little things can add up to weigh quite a lot.

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