Saturday, October 31, 2009

Four new kitties

We have kittens at my mother's if anyone is looking to get one. They are about 3 weeks old right now. There are 4 of them. I can get you specifics if you are interested. Three are the prettiest smokey gray and white. And the odd ball is a tabby and white spotted. They have already had quite the adventurous life. They were born under a bush and moved to an old dog house on the back porch. Mama Kitty must have felt threaten because she moved them only not to be found. We thought they were lost and then Friday with all the rain, they got moved from the brush pile they were hiding under to dryer land. Now they are making their new home on a chair on the covered front porch. These pictures were taken shortly after their new move from the underwater brush pile to higher land hence their fuzzy appearance.

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